Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hurrah to the New Progreso Boardwalk!

Note: We are dependent on free internet from the parks, mostly Parque La Ermita, and there is a major overhaul of the internet service gratis going on in Merida. A lot has gone on in the past 2 weeks+ since our last update so I will break down the blog accordingly.
This is part 4 of the 4 parts...finally catches us up to date!

Progreso Boardwalk

This past Friday we took off and went to Progreso. Had it really been over 3 weeks since we had been there? We didn’t realize it had been so long since we had been there, but it had been long enough ago that they had finished building the boardwalk underneath the bridge that goes out to the industrial/cruise ship dock. It is really nice! It is nice and wide and winding with benches everywhere - just really nice! Progreso should be proud of it.
We did our usual – laid out at our usual spot on the beach and then headed to Los Henequenes for cervezas and botanas before coming back to Merida. It was a glorious day!

Holy Mole!

I have been talking about making mole sauce for quite some time. It just seems so all things good and Mexican to me.  I had never made it before and had only eaten it a couple of times. Neither Terry nor I were sure we would even like it, but I had ordered an omelet with mole sauce while we were in Cozumel and it renewed my interest in making it from scratch. I had searched and searched and found several recipes...many way too complicated for me to even attempt trying. I was looking for a 2-diaquiri recipe...not one where I would spend the whole day in the cocina. I found one that was "middle of the road" but had all the ingredients I wanted to see - lots of garlic and onions, cinnamon, Mexican unsweetended chocolate, chili powder, etc., etc. One thing I liked about this recipe was that it had the traditional deep brown color but wasn't smooth like traditional mole sauce. It had had chunks of garlic and onion in it. Maybe it wasn't totally traditional but it sure was good - served over chunks of braised pork with carrots and white potatoes. Terry said he liked it as much if not more than the Pibil Chicken and Pibil Pork we have been preparing with the achiote.
Would be happy to share it!


This morning Terry and I got up, ate breakfast, and went out to walk the bici-ruta early. We left the house before 9am and beelined it all the way to the end and back in no time. I have finally admitted that I don't feel 100% and need to go ahead with experiencing the Merida medical system for the first time. Since our visit to Tulum I have had teeth problems which I blamed on clenching my teeth at night. The discomfort of oversensitive teeth on the left side of my mouth is now narrowed down to pain in one back molar. Ibuprofen helps but the pain isn't going away on its own. I'm thinking cracked filling, infection, root canal....but we will see. I have a list of possible dentists I will be calling tomorrow morning. I am no more apprehensive than I would be if waiting to call a dental office in the US. More to come on this experience!

1 comment:

  1. I would love the mole recipe! I have never made it but it's something I've wanted to do for a while now. I just discovered your blog today and am looking forward to catching up.
