Monday, April 11, 2016

A Car or Kisses?

There is no better way to see the city than to walk it. That is what you do when you have no car. 

Terry and I are quite sure we have walked every street within a large part of the centro area, and also a large part of points north and northwest of centro. We've walked miles and miles of the Gulf beaches in Progreso, Chixulub, Telchac Puerto, Rio Largartos, over to Yucaltepen and Chelem. 

We did the 6-7K bici-ruta route yesterday that takes you through the main plaza and up Paseo de Montejo and back down to our neighborhood again. We stopped off in the Plaza long enough to share a bag of fresh plaintain chips.  We watched them get cooked and then taken out of the hot oil. They're one of our favorite treats.

No matter how many times we walk the same streets or different streets, it doesn't matter, we always see something new.

Later on in the day I took another walk down south of our hood. It was late in the afternoon on a Sunday which meant a lot of families were visiting, eating and drinking together.

 Many were gathered on their front patios or sitting in chairs on the side of the streets. Loud music streamed from many of the houses. I could smell food cooking and without even taking a glance, I could tell which had been drinking the longest. 

When I walk without Terry, things are different. When he is with me I get ignored just a tad more than walking alone. Although walking alone, I am always treated with the greatest of respect by men, women and children. Yesterday, I passed a boy on the sidewalk that looked to be about fourteen. He had the biggest grin for me. Shortly after he walked by me, he (in Spanish) said, "Excuse me. What time is it?" I had to explain that although I had a watch, it did not work and I was sorry but didn't know what time it was. He grinned and told me thank you  then kissed me on each cheek very gently. It may have been so he could go tell his friends he did it. But I found it sincere and very endearing.  If we had a car in Mexico, I never would have gotten those passing kisses.

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