Thursday, April 12, 2018

Cheers to Mas!

I'm washing clothes today. I usually wash most of my things by hand for two reasons. I wear mainly delicate, sheer fabrics because of the heat and secondly, washing with a semi-automatic is not that far away from the time it takes to wash by hand. That isn't as in "weapon" but as in washing machine. The washer takes electricity and it has cycles for lavar, desaguar, and enjuagar. That would be wash, drain and rinse. It also spins but I forgot the Spanish word for that. It does a heck of a job. And of course, it looks like it could possibly rain today - that seems to always be the case when I decide to wash and hang out clothes. It hasn't rained a drop since we've been here and it isn't the rainy season so we'll see.
(Internet File Photo)

I don't use Tide or Cheer. I don't know if you can buy Cheer around here but I know you can buy Tide. I use Mas. It is definitely the detergent of choice in Mérida because everybody you walk by smells like Mas. And I mean that in a good way. I wouldn't be surprised if you can buy it at Wal-Mart in the US. 

So Cheers to Mas!

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