We had found out how easy it is to take a directo Noreste bus to/from Tizimín last time we were here. It's about a 2-hour drive on a bus with a/c and even a bathroom - we aren't used to that on the Noreste buses, all on a new highway. The Noreste station here is a little bit of a walk for us...about 7 blocks east and 10 blocks north, but nothing we can't handle. Nobody goes to Tizimin unless they live there or have relatives there. Except for us.
Yesterday we decided to go. We had two reasons for going. Tizimín is in the middle of ranching country and we were wanting beef. Secondly, there are leather shops and shops that carry western hats, belts, handmade western shirts with yokes and snaps, spurs, etc. Everything for the cowboy. We wanted to see what we could find. Other than that,Tizimín is pretty well known for being a connecting point for heading to the north coast beaches. Terry slept and I looked out the bus window as usual. I was amazed at the lack of barbed wire fences. All the fences are rock walls, mostly just rocks piled on top of rocks. Occasionally, you will see mortar used between the rocks but most times not. Also, each ranchero we passed had a house and their own cathedral, always identifiable by the cross.
Looking out the window
Our bus driver was running at break neck speed. That is until we were flagged over by a state police just outside of Tizimín. We had a good bus driver. I didn't want him in trouble with the law. Not to mention I wanted to make it toTizimín for a steak. He talked with the policeman and then another vehicle was either flagged down or stopped for some reason. After about 10 minutes our bus driver boarded the bus and we were off again. He was speeding though I am quite sure.
Los Tres Reyes
When we arrived we headed to the town square and ate at Los Tres Reyes. It is on the square opposite the church. Terry did in fact eat steak and it was very tasty. I ended up ordering chicken fajitas. We both ate so many botanas before our meals arrived we could have asked for doggy bags. It was all very good.
El Parque
Western Store...Closed
Just a street we walked
In Centro
We don't know if it was because it was Friday, because it was hot, because it was siesta time or what but all the shops we wanted to go into were closed down. We walked around town, dodged a few raindrops, then headed back to the bus station for the return back on a 5pm bus.
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