The window peeping may sound like a bad habit but I've come to realize it's an acceptable practice. If you leave your door open it means you are accepting company...of any kind...kinda an open invitation. If you leave your windows open...people look in. They do it to me too!
Yesterday the Gran Chapur delivery truck rolled up about 2 or 3 in the afternoon. It was quite a production as they were trying to get this delivery over FAST for some reason. And, the street right in front of the house had cars parked - the cars of the city office workers next door. The delivery guys were in a panic until somebody walked outside and then went back inside to get one of the city employees to move their car. The driver whipped that big truck in there, ran to the back, and out came the sofa. They were here a total of maybe 5 minutes. But, we now have a sofa! ----
Paulino was supposed to show up yesterday and replace the drains with bug-prevention drains. He never showed up, but I'm not too worried about it. Time and dates don't seem to matter a lot around here. I'm sure he'll come popping in when I least expect him.
Last night was interesting. After an online chat session with Terry, I went to bed and was reading my book. It was right before 10pm and I heard this really loud noise. It literally sounded like somebody had wrecked a vehicle into the front of the house. I felt it. I was a little nervous as I got up and started looking around the house. Then I could see blue flashing lights reflecting from outside, and I heard a drum cadence. What the hell!? About 10 meters down the street and across the street is La Ermita Parque and the big (one of them) Catholic Church. They were having some kind of march in the street - very solemn, but organized. They marched around the square a few times holding what looked like crosse but I couldn't be sure. All the police were there for traffic control since it was dark, I'm guessing. And the loud noise I had heard, and heard several times afterwards were cannons going off. Not make-believe cannons or fireworks, but real honest-to-goodness cannons.
A few days ago a FB friend posted a picture with the followiing caption - "No Skinny Dipping Allowed...Alone". Always one to have a comment about "skinny-dipping", I commented: "Exactly. If you skinny-dip alone are you really skinny-dipping at all?" It brought back a memory from the bank marketing days when we were doing all the PR surrounding the LaSalle excavation. All of our printed marketing materials to invite people to come see the cannons and artifacts at the Bank used the title "History Has No Meaning if Not Shared". It has always stuck with me because I think it is true of so many things. If you don't share it, it's kinda like it didn't happen. This is leading to a point - I had somewhat of a meltdown yesterday because I realized I am very much alone. There was not the joy in the delivery of the sofa you might expect because I really had nobody to share it with. People that spend a lot of time alone have always intrigued me and I find them somewhat mysterious. I admire them. I am not one of them.
POSTSCRIPT: It is Friday afternoon and all is good! Just felt a little lonely...that's all. LOL
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