Every service down here has their unique horn sound. It is really important to learn this. For some reason, the most important ones are the hardest to learn. For example, last year and again this year we failed to recognize the sound of the gas truck. But one we do know is the guy on the cargo bike that sharpens knives and saws. He comes around on a regular basis --- makes me wanna go buy a saw and wear it down to the point where it needs sharpening. Just because!
And yesterday, we added another one to our list, sort of -
The guy on the bike with the loud speaker system that sells something ---- we still haven't figured out what, but a lot of people were buying it yesterday. And we know it costs dos pesos y cencuenta centavos.
Then, there is the guy that sells dirt. I suppose for gardening, landscaping, and such. He rides in a cart pulled by a donkey and really does some traveling. We have seen him all over different parts of town.