Friday, April 6, 2012

The Big City of Merida is Really Very Small

The storm that came through the other day did quite a lot of damage around here. We lost the cover over our patio table and the canvas awning that partially covered the terrace was ripped out. So what do you do when you need repairs? Call the repairman! We didn't know when or who, but around 2 in the afternoon who should appear - Paulino! Paulino had a helper with him, and his tools, and came driving up in the truck we recognized from the one he drove last year. He had his ladder and they went to work. After a few minutes they left to go get more supplies and when he came back Terry got to talking with Spanish. And I have to say it was very good Spanish. Terry asked him if he remembered us from last year..,.you know, we were the ones that lived in the house down on Calle 75. Paulino died laughing and started using words like "tanque" and "bombero" and pointing at us laughing. You got it - Paulino was the one that went and bought, delivered, and set up the new tanque for us last year when Terry donated ours to the Yucatan Bomberos by mistake.

We took a little walk the 6-7 blocks over to the zoo because Terry had read in the Yucatan Times that they had quite a lot of damage. I was worried about the monkeys more than anything. There were huge trees uprooted within Parque Centenario, and some trees had the tops blown off of them. The zoo is closed right now while they take care of the damage --- and there was quite a lot of damage. One of the huge arches that covers the walkway into the park was damaged badly as well. Walking down the street we could see other damage and other trees being removed by city workers. Now keep in mind this is only 6-7 blocks from the house! Rewinding...when we met the Mayan gentleman on Sunday we had a conversation about hurricanes and Hurricane Gilbert that hit the Yucatan in 1988. He had made a statement that they have hurricanes but unlike us, they don't have to worry about tornadoes or twisters. We think they can now add tornadoes to the list. Can't help but wonder - you know the Mayans say this is the last year of the Mayan calendar.

It has been very quiet in town with Semana Santa in full swing. Yesterday we didn't see a kid one - families have definitely taken to the Gulf Beaches. Today we are looking forward to seeing some of the Good Friday activities such as the reenactments that go on around town with Jesus bearing the cross walking through the streets with mourners falling in behind. I want to take a picture so badly but somehow feel it takes something away from it. ...we'll see...

Best Sandwiches Ever

Worried About Not Having a Clock

 Last night we hung out up on the rooftop mirador and out on the terrace. We watched the lizards, salsa danced, watched the activities across the rooftop - last night it was Channel 3, and ended up eating sandwiches for dinner. We have been losing power off and on in the afternoons since the storm the other day. Terry said he is done re-setting the clock. That's gonna be a real showstopper! Don't care so much about not having lights (or a clock), but sure miss the cool breeze of the ceiling fans when it happens. Parte de Vida! And Terry will not allow me to whine about it -

No's just a ceiling fan!

Lizard Study in Progress

Another Beauty


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