At first I was thinking this post wasn't going to have anything to do with Mexico, but it does. I always say while in Mexico it is like I have stepped back in time 40 or so years ago. Forty or so years ago we had a kinder, gentler society in the U.S. When in Mexico today, I still feel and see mutual respect and kindness. In the U.S. - not so much. Not so much at all in larger cities.
I just read a friend's Facebook post about a United flight that was diverted when two passengers got into a fight over the use of a knee defender (full story here)
The pilot had to make an emergency landing to get the two people off the plane. I can't imagine the anger these two people must have been holding inside to let this small incident escalate to the magnitude it did. I visualize them this morning with red, sheepish faces over the embarrassment they undoubtedly must be experiencing. On second thought, maybe not. They may be relishing in how they got their way and "showed" the other passenger. Why are we in such a state of "I win/you lose"? Why are people becoming just plain mean? Are we at a point of no return?
My theory on it all can be summed up like this -
First, we all have access to enormous amounts of information. During my entire life, the media has reported predominately on the negative. But with more information, we read more negativity. We read and seethe over every incident. I'm pretty sure Obama isn't the first president that likes to play golf. And I remember presidents in the past spending at the ranch or at Camp David. But, I have to agree, if I read one more report on Obama and his golfing habits, I'm going to get a Knee Defender and break some knee caps. We get bombarded with too much negative information!
Second, our world is becoming smaller. You can say what you want about diversity and embracing diversity. I say diversity schmersity. People are no different than animals in the animal kingdom. We gravitate towards those that look like us, talk like us, smell like us, and have ideologies that match our own. Experiencing diversity used to be a choice whereas today in the U.S. we have little choice. When you try to mix unlike groups, they separate like oil and water. You cannot change an ideology. All you can do is eradicate it by death or avoid it.
Third, I believe in the "divide and conquer" theory. As long as we are spending great amounts of time and energy on hating, we have less time to spend on forming relationships and bonding. We don't embrace our neighbors if we are busy arguing with them. We are much easier to control when we are fussing over Knee Defenders. The plane landed, the authorities were called in and they whisked the two unruly passengers away.
So, in my daily world I fight back by having conversations with my HEB cashier, joke with my plumber about how he can now take the rest of the day off after I pay him, and I think about the Muslim man in the Sugar Land Whole Foods Market and wonder if his belly button is an "outie" or an "inny". I pray and yearn for my world to be filled with more love, mutual respect and kinder, gentler times. I hope you'll join me in trying to make it happen.
Damn, I am missing Mexico! There just isn't the same tension and meanness.